Open Space and What it Means at MCLC
Once every month, everyone who donates to our organization, receives a letter highlighting what is going on at the Matènwa Community...
The Education System in Haiti
This week, I attended the Haitian Ladies Network “Summer Meetup” at the Doña Habana restaurant in Boston. HLN is a community organization...
Summer Camp Is On Its Way!
School is almost over, but the Matènwa Community Learning Center is gearing up for its 9th annual summer camp. We have planned a range of...
Water is Flowing!
Water IS flowing! The trench from the deep well to the school is dug; eight solar panels, a 3000-gallon fiberglass chateau on a raised...
Matènwa Poem | Powèm Matènwa
The little girl brown as a sapodilla The little girl with the musical name Treading lightly in Matènwa There where the world is turned...
Congratulations Louiseda Sumé
Last year we were proud to announce 83% of our first ever graduating class passed the National exams. Only 37% of students passed these...
Happy New Year!
We hope the new year greeted you as warmly as it greeted us,—with a satisfying bowl of soup joumou! On January 1st, 1804 Haiti became the...
The average American uses 17 gallons of water per shower. We also use gallons of water to wash our faces, teeth, dishes, clothes, dogs,...
Learn about the MCLC Gardens!
It is no secret that one of MCLC's most popular classes is gardening. The students love all of their other special classes as well:...
Meet Janose: Fierce mother, excellent cook, unforgettable host!
If you've been to Matènwa and stayed with Janose Remedor, you would agree that she is an unforgettable host. On any regular day, Janose...