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Back packs were ordered for all students and staff with the school's LKMPD logo printed on the front. Given the situation in Haiti, getting all 380 back packs all the way to Lagonav continues to be a challenge, but we managed to get the first 200 sent over as extra cargo on two 5 seater planes. These were given to the high school students and staff. The result was a lot of proud appreciative smiling faces!

Here are some of the recipients that stayed after school to collect their new back packs!

Grades 7 through 13

Art specialists: Wesna Bien-Aimé and Francia Cius with elementary teachers: Dachema Deravil, Louiseda Sumé , and Alexandra Edouard .

Parent liaison Roberne Magloire, Treasurer Feronel Jean, and Secretary Delson Engerville.

General Director Ednot Obel (bottom left) and Assistant High School Director Beejhonder Elysée (top row second from the right) with some of their high school teachers.

We thank our new friend Cedric Porsenna for producing and shipping these back packs to us.


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