Mèsiyis is a bit beside himself after the hurricane. Quietly distressed, he starts talking about himself in third person. As an elderly...
Animals Lost in Hurricane Matthew
The neighbors around the Matènwa Community School do not have much. And now they have even less. The nation that liberated themselves...
LKM Getting on Its Feet After the Hurricane
I am proud to share that LKM opened its doors today,, giving their students a sense of normalcy today. They also had a meeting with...
Matènwa After Hurricane Matthew
As one walks around Matènwa they feel the wind has settled, the land is a bit drier, but the aftermath is starting to sink in. Cement...
Kenia Shares Her Story After Hurricane Matthew
Home 2. You may be connected to this woman, even if you never met her. If you wear a beautiful silk scarf from Matènwa, Kenya may be...
Matènwa's Emergency Committee Responds Quickly
On Wednesday, October 5th, LKM's Komite Ijans (Emergency Committee) staff brought some comfort to families after a night of unrelenting...
Jouden at 77 Years Old Needs Help After the Storm
Assessing the damage. Matènwa Home 1. Joudin The winds are still whipping through people’s homes. Here is a video of Joudin and the...
Violent storm rips thru Matènwa - You can help!
The winds are ripping through Matènwa. Abner Sauveur, Director of the Matènwa Community Learning Center, has called to report that many...
Hurricane Matthew: Send Help in Time!
One of our teachers just sent a video clip he took from his window. The winds are raging. He says he will send the pictures of all the...