Jouden at 77 Years Old Needs Help After the Storm
Assessing the damage. Matènwa Home 1. Joudin
The winds are still whipping through people’s homes. Here is a video of Joudin and the damage done to his home. He says that the storm really hit him hard. He is 77. Several years ago he had to move into the only room in his home that was left undamaged in Hurricane Sandy. He survives on his land alone, a widower, where he plants corn with not much success and treats people and animals with natural medicines, a talent he learned from his father. Neighbors call him for help to prepare bodies for burial. He is willing to work for whatever you can give him. He was interviewed for an Images of Haiti book 7 years ago where he said then: I wonder if anyone in the United States could help me get a house, maybe help me get some food. I am like a rock, I am still living, but it’s not easy.Things flutter around me, but I still keep my head up. Anything bad, I’m never a part of it. This is how I am, and you can call me any time.”
I hope now that hurricane Matthew has opened his only room to the elements that we can find someone to build him a house, or at least one dry secure room.
Please contribute to Joudin’s room at 2,500 would pay for a whole new two room home. An estimated 1,500.00 will cover some repair of the home he is in.